Newcomers Orientation
Hybrid Event
Live on Facebook and in the Building 1520 Auditorium
To receive credit for attending virtually, please log on to Facebook with your name and rank and remain online for the duration of the orientation. Thank you!
Sign in begins at 9:45
A complimentary walking tour of downtown Frederick (hosted by the Frederick County Visitors Center) will be offered to the Fort Detrick Newcomers the 3rd. Saturday of each month. Visitors Center is located at 151 S. East Street, Frederick, Maryland, 21701. To ensure a tour guide is available, you must register with Army Community Service no later than one week prior to the scheduled tour. Please call 301-619-6364 or email to register. Thank you!
Apr 20 2022, 10 am - 2 pm
Apr 20 2022, 10 am - 2 pm
Register Now!Effective immediately and in accordance with the Secretary of Defense directive dated July 28, 2021,
Fort Detrick is now considered an area of SUBSTANTIAL TRANSMISSION of COVID-19; therefore,
masks must be worn at all indoor locations while on Fort Detrick regardless of vaccine status.
Registration Information
Please call 301-619-6364 or email or visit to register
Army Community Service (ACS)